Anticholinergic delirium

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Anticholinergic delirium is described as various symptoms that are associated with the administration of anticholinergic agents leading to delirium, and these include  a state of confusion leads to  disorientation.

The individual affected by anticholinergic delirium will be showing signs of agitation. Patients  suffering from anticholinergic delirium may be suffering from respiratory depression.

Various memory problems and I the inability to concentrate are also included in the various signs and symptoms associated with this condition. Clinical presentation of this condition, includes incoherent speech and wakeful myoclonic jerking.

There   may be unusual sensitivity to sudden sounds and the individual suffers from illogical thinking. Most patients suffering from anticholinergic delirium may be complaining about visual disturbances, including periodic flashes of light and there are various periodic changes in visual field.

There may be visual snow and restricted or tunnel vision associated with this condition. Visual, auditory and other sensory hallucinations are also included. There is warping and waving of surfaces and edges associated with textured surfaces.

The individual may complain about dancing lines and spiders or insects associated with constant. The patient may complain about visual disturbances, that are associated with various lifelike objects indistinguishable from reality.

In certain cases, there is hallucinated presence of people not actually present there. In rare conditions, the individual suffering from anticholinergic delirium may be suffering from seizures, coma and death.



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