Anticholinergic symptoms

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Anticholinergic symptoms, that are associated with the anticholinergic syndrome are caused due to the  inhibition of acetylcholine receptor sites. Thus, the various anticholinergic drugs antagonize acetylcholine muscarinic receptors. The muscarinic receptor sites are associated with the heart, salivary glands, gastrointestinal tract and GU tract.

These receptor sites are also referred to as the postganglionic parasympathetic muscarinic receptors. The acetyl choline drugs may also compete with acetylcholine at other sites, including the autonomic ganglia. The central nervous system manifestations are associated with central cortical and sub cortical muscarinic receptor antagonism.

The various anticholinergic symptoms associated with the central nervous system will depend on the drug’s ability to cross the blood brain barrier. Various anticholinergic symptoms include ataxia that leads to loss of coordination.

There is decreased mucus production in the nose and throat, leading to dryness and sore throat. In certain cases, the patient will be showing signs of xerostomia, that leads to dry mouth with increase of dental caries.

Other anticholinergic symptoms include delirium, that is associated with the central nervous system. The patient shows signs of confusion and respiratory depression. Sometimes, there is wakeful myoclonic jerking observed in the individual, suffering from anticholinergic agents. Photophobia and incoherent speech may also be observed in the patient.



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