Anticholinergic toxidrome

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The term, anticholinergic toxidrome includes the various complications that are associated with this condition. The symptoms of anticholinergic toxidrome include psychosis and seizures.

The patient may suffer from hallucinations and loss of memory. There are signs of ileus and mydriasis, that leads to dilated pupils and urinary retention is also observed in the patients suffering from anticholinergic toxidrome.

Blurred vision, reduction in bowel sounds and delirium may also lead to coma. Various complications associated with anticholinergic toxidrome include hypertension, tachycardia ad hyperthermia.

According to research, it has been found that various medications administered for the treatment of Parkinson’s’ disease may lead to anticholinergic toxidrome. In other cases, patients who are being treated with antipsychotics and antidepressant may be showing signs of  toxidrome.

Various antihistamines are also found to be the underlying factors associated with severe toxicity in the patient. The patients suffering from these complications are often described as “blind as a bat, mad as hatter ,red as a beet, hot as hell, dry as bone, the bowel and bladder loose their tone and the heart runs alone”.

In the field of medicine, a toxidrome indicates a medical emergency and the patient may require immediate treatment at the emergency ward of a poison control center.



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