Antipyretic drugs

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Antipyretic drugs are applied in order to reduce fever. These will not be effective, if the individual does not have fever. Antipyretic drugs target the hypothalamus, in order to override an interleukin induced fever.

The term antipyretic means “preventing or alleviating fever”. In common terms, it means that the medicine can lower body temperature in order to prevent or alleviate fever symptoms.

Antipyretic means febrifuge, as it is known to be efficacious in preventing or allaying fever. It also means “against fire” indicating that is it used in order to combat fever.

Moreover it has been found that various antipyretic drugs may not be able to bring down the body temperature when an individual is having fever symptoms. But there is much debate about the use of antipyretic drugs as it has been found that fever is body’s immune response to various infections.

Most antipyretics drugs may be used  for a wide variety of uses. This antipyretic drugs is easily available at the pharmacy store. Therefore it is also the most purchased medicine in the United States of America.

It has been found that ibuprofen and acetaminophen have been found to be the most commonly used medicine. In case of people who are suffering from body aches and pains accompanied by fever the term antipyretic drugs means pain relieving medicine that reduced fever and can also be used as a muscle relaxant.

Thus, the body will be directed to reduce fever and thus the temperature is reduced. According to a survey, it has been found that the most commonly used antipyretic drugs include ibuprofen and aspirin.

Antipyretic drugs are described as non steroidal anti inflammatory and pain relievers. According to the experts, there is much debate regarding the use of various medicines in reducing fever as this is the body’s immune response to infection.

Various therapies have been formulated by combining acetaminophen and aspirin. In a certain cases the medical practitioner may also alternate the dose of acetaminophen and ibuprofen in order to reduce fever in the child.

This therapy has been found to be effective as compared to the antipyretic drugs, when used alone. Some examples of these drugs include NSAID’s like naproxen sodium and ketoprofen.

Aspirin, paracetamol, metamizole, nebumetone, nimesulide, phenazone and quinine are also included. Traditionally various plants with these properties have been used in order to reduce fever. Febrifuges have been found to be having natural properties.

Various antipyretics drugs like paracetamol that is commonly available in the form of acetaminophen, and Aspirin that is related to salicylates like choline slicylate, magnesium salicylate and sodium salicylate are used in order to reduce fever.

Most people are under the misconception that bathing or sponging with cold water will effectively reduce fever. But according to various medical experts, although bathing will bring down body temperature,  it cannot be used in order to reduce fever.

Most antipyretics drugs that are commonly used in the United States of America include ibuprofen and aspirin. These are easily available over the counter and they are mostly administered as pain relievers.

In fact, they are described as Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs like NSAID’s, anti inflammatory and pain relievers.

The application of acetaminophen as an antipyretic drug in children is uncertain as it is often used in combination with ibuprofen in order to treat the various symptoms associated with fever.

Other antipyretics drugs that are commonly prescribed include metamizole, Nabumetone, nimesulide, phenazone and quinine.

These plants are included in the ethno botanical cultural systems and are commonly referred to as febrifuges as it is having properties of antipyretics drugs.



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