Baby with big penis

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As a baby is growing and developing his physical characteristics are determined by the genes. These genes contain hereditary factors that are passed down from the parents. There are many instances where the parents want to know if their baby with big penis is normal.

According to the doctors, it has been found that although large number of parents are concerned about baby with big penis, and they say that there is nothing to worry. The size of a baby penis can be attributed to genetic factors.

The only difference between a baby with big penis and baby with normal penis is that the baby with big penis may require a diaper of a larger size, so that the baby is comfortable. There are many parents who go for circumcision, as it is good for the baby.

It has been found that there are very few chances of urinary tract infection in the baby with big penis. But one must take good care and keep the area dry and free from any kind of infection until the circumcised penis has healed properly.

If your baby with big penis has problem urinating or if he is crying when urinating, then you must get the baby checked by doctor.



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