Postnatal exercise

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Postnatal exercise is one of the most important aspects of the postnatal care period. Despite losing the combined weight of the baby, the placenta, and the amniotic fluid, you will still be heavier than you were before you became pregnancy.

You may even find that you have to continue to wear maternity clothes for a short while. As your uterus shrinks during the six-weeks following the birth you will lose weight, but will need to watch your diet to regain your pre-pregnancy shape.

During Postnatal exercise period, eat regularly and healthy and don’t be tempted, because you are short of time, to snack on foods containing empty calories such as sweets and fizzy drinks.

If the weigh isn’t disappearing as fast as you’d like, ask your health visitor for advice. Don’t attempt any diet now or while you are breast feeding this would increase stress as your body is struggling to regain its equilibrium. Doing exercises will help you get your figure back, get you moving again, and make you feel fitter.

Below are some of the postnatal exercise:

  • Curl-ups: This exercise will help strengthen your vertical abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with a pillow under your head, your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Now pull in your abdominal muscles and, raising your head, stretch your arms towards your knees. Hold for the count of five and then relax slowly. Repeat several times.
  • Leg Slide: Lie with your head on a pillow with the small of your back pressed against the floor and your knees bent. Gently slide one leg away from your body until it is fully extended, keeping the small of your back pressed against the floor for as long as you can. Slowly draw the leg back towards your body and then repeat with the other leg. Do this several times.
  • Waist trimmer: Lie on the floor with your arms away from your side, with your knees bent and feet flat. Pull in your abdominal and with knees together, roll over to the right. Take your knees back to the middle and pause. Rest briefly, then pull in your abdominal again and roll your knees to the left, then back to the middle and pause. Keep your shoulders flat on the floor as you roll from side to side. Repeat six times and work up to 20. This is one of the most important Postnatal exercise
  • Foot exercises: These will help improve your circulation and are especially important if you are confined to bed. Lie with your legs straight and knees together and bend and stretch your feet. Flex one foot, pulling the toes up towards you while pointing the other foot away from you. Repeat, alternating the feet. Do this exercise quite briskly for about 30 seconds.

Those for strengthening the pelvic floor are among the most important postnatal exercise. The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, uterus, and rectum, so it is vital that their tone is restored after being stretched during childbirth.

Tiredness goes hand in hand with being a new mother but you need rest to help your body recover from childbirth. It is tempting to use the baby’s sleep times to catch up on chores, but do try to have a nap or proper rest at least once during the day, especially after Postnatal exercise.

You and your child are more important than housework, so find ways to cut down the work. Accept offers of help and, if no one volunteers, don’t be afraid to ask people. Another way to cope with tiredness or stress is relaxation, so try using the relaxation Postnatal exercise to help you now.

Also a long, lazy bath with a few drops of relaxing oil in the water will work wonders. For a real treat, ask your partner to give you a massage using a specially formulated oil before you go to sleep.



Healthdrip writes about health and medical news and articles.