Anticholinergic effect

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The anticholinergic effect includes various gastrointestinal disorders that include gastritis, pylorospasm, diverticulitis and ulcerative colitis. Various genitourinary disorders like cystitis, urethritis and prostitis are also included.

It has been found that anticholinergic effect also includes various respiratory disorders, like asthma and chronic bronchitis. Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson like adverse medication effects, are also included in the anticholinergic effect.

Various anticholinergic drugs also lead to sinus brachycardia that is associated with hypersensitive vagus nerve. Usage of these drugs may also cause signs and symptoms associated with insomnia.

In common terms, the anticholinergic effect is also referred to as the sedative effect, and it is known to be very advantageous, especially during various medical procedures. In case excessive anticholinergic drug administration, it may lead to a toxic reaction that is known as acute anticholinergic syndrome.

This may occur accidentally or intentionally and is often associated with recreation drug abuse.Accroding to various recreation drug users, anticholinergic effect is considered to be the least enjoyable as the sensation of euphoria is found to be lacking in the drugs.

The drugs are also referred to as deliriants as the risk of addiction has been found to be very low. Other possible effects associated with the anticholinergic drugs include Ataxia, that is associated with lack of coordination and there is decreased mucus production in the nose and throat region.



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