Abdominal aortic aneurysm

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An abdominal aortic aneurysm x ray confirms that the large blood vessel that supplies blood to the abdominal area including the pelvis and the legs has become dilated. This abnormal condition has ballooned and is causing pressure on the adjacent area. Very few people know that what they see in the x ray is not a condition that has developed overnight; in fact, it has been seeping in like a silent disease over a long period of time.

Some of the known causes of abdominal aortic aneurysm include smoking that is known to aggravate the dilation of the aortic artery. If unchecked, the artery could lead to rupture and the patient dies in a short period of time.

High blood pressure with high levels of cholesterol, complete with male sex of the individual could lead to abdominal aortic aneurysm. Emphysema, obesity and genetic factors also contribute a great deal to the development of it.

The abdominal aortic aneurysm x ray also gives an indication of the extent of dilation in the aneurysm. If it is very large, it could easily rupture leading to death of the individual. The main cause of the complications in the disease is due to the lack of early symptoms of the condition. If in any case the aneurysm expands and tears open and blood starts leaking along the wall of the vessel, the symptoms would become evident suddenly.

In most cases, where the patient complains of pain in abdomen or back, and the pain also seems to radiate to the groins, buttocks or legs, the doctor may conduct an abdominal aortic aneurysm x ray in order to confirm the condition.

Fusiform infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm

It is more commonly found as compared to other types. It is subdivided into two categories based on the number of walls of the aorta that are involved in causing the condition. Therefore it can be divided into true and false aneurysm. In the true type, all the three layers of the wall of the aorta are involved and thus the dilation is considered as a true dilation.

On the other hand, in this case, the aneurism is egg shaped. If it occurs in the shape of a bag like appearance, it is known as saccular abdominal aortic aneurysm.

In the fusiform infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm the dilation may extend up to 20 cm and it may also involve the iliac arteries. The patient complains of pain in the abdominal region due to pressure on the adjacent tissues. In this case, the patient may also complain of pain in the legs.

The patient is screened in order to diagnose the occurrence of fusiform infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. In most cases where it is caused due to an accident or injury, all three layers of the aortic artery may not be involved in dilation. This form is also known as false type of it.

This type of may also occur as a result of an underlying infection. It is commonly found in white men who have a habit of smoking. It has been found that smoking can aggravate it in men.

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