Epitrochlear adenopathy

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Epitrochlear adenopathy is also known as lymphadenitis and it is described as the inflammation or enlargement of the lymph nodes found in the arms. According to a statistical survey, it has been found that epitrochlear adenopathy is commonly found in children.

The infection can be benign, local or generalized as indicated by the signs and symptoms associated with the disease. In case of regional epitrochlear adenopathy, the infection may affect a localized group of nodes or there may be cases where only a single node is affected.

Moreover, the infection may also be classified as unilateral or bilateral. The course of the infection may be acute, sub acute or chronic based on the extent of infection.

Epitrochlear adenopathy and auxiliary adenopathy may be found in the arms, but there are other types of infections that occur in the scalp region and this condition is known as occipital and post auricular adenopathy.

There may be inguinal and femoral adenopathy that may affect the lower extremities. The etiology of this condition includes excessive tenderness in the, lymph nodes.

There are many bubonic plagues that include Y pestis and there is associated lymph enlargement and erythema of the overlying skin. This is observed in various parts of the body like the inguinal, axially or cervical area.



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