Nappy Change

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Nappies are produced in a variety of types, styles and sizes, but the basic choice is still between disposable and toweling nappies. Then are different newborn diapers. Ideally, you should decide which type of nappy you are going to use for nappy change before your baby arrives. You will need to take in to account a number of factors : your life style, the amount of time and money you have available, and the type of washing and drying facilities you will be using.

Which ever type you choose, the technique required to change are the same. And yes, this would be a bad experience initially. You should change your kid whenever he is wet or dirty. The number of changes may vary from day to day, but generally you will have to change your baby first thing in the morning, after each feed, after a bath, and before bed at night. Get everything you need together before you start so that there is no reason to leave the baby unattended while you are in the process of nappy change.

Make sure that the room where you are doing the nappy change for your new baby is warm and free from draughts. Lay your baby on a folded towel or changing mat, placed on the floor, a table, or on the bed, making sure that a wriggling infant cannot roll off if you are changing on the raised surface.

Remove the soiled nappy and clean your baby’s bottom thoroughly, wipe away any solid matter with a clean corner of the used nappy, or with a damp tissue or cotton wool soaked in warm water. A wipe or some lotion can be used to finish cleaning the area. Once you have dried your baby’s bottom, apply a small amount of a specially formulated barrier cream to protect the skin. Then put on a clean nappy.

You may find the nappy of your new baby stained dark pink or even red. This is because the urine of newborns contains substances called urates. You newborns immature bladder cannot hold urine for long so he may urinate as frequently as 20 times in every 24 hours. This will gradually lessen.

Your baby’s first stool will be a blackish-green color because the meconium from your amniotic fluid is working its way out of his system. Once feeding begins, the stool will change to greenish brown and then to yellowish brown color.  The number of stool passed varies from case to case, but breast feeding babies pass fewer stools than bottle fed babies.

Nappy change can be made easier by selecting the type of nappy. Disposable nappies are more convenient than toweling nappies. They are quick on easy to put on and remove and they don’t require washing. Their disadvantage is that they are more expensive than the toweling nappies and are cumbersome to dispose of. Most end up being wrapped and put in the dustbin.

Disposable work by allowing moisture to soak through the top sheet into a absorbent filling, which is protected on the outside by a water proof backing. They are available in variety of shape and size. They need to be checked frequently because many of them are so good at keeping your baby dry that you forget to do the nappy change for them.

Nappy change is one of those things that people who are not yet parents have a hard time imagining. It’s not just the mystery of how you can hold on to a squirming baby while wrapping a piece of cloth or plastic covered paper around his bottom and pinning or taping it on. It’s the idea that, several times a day, you can count on covering your hands with substances that you would probably rather not even think about.

If you are a new parent, you will probably be surprised at how readily you will overcome any initial squeamishness especially when it comes to nappy change. And believe it or not, sometimes it can even be fun. While some babies simply despise the whole process, many take delight in moving their legs freely and feeling the cool air on their bottoms.

Babies are often wide awake during nappy change and in a social mood. While you are wiping up, it’s easy to tickle your Baby’s tummy, “bicycle” his legs or play patty cake.

Like baths, Nappy change are a great time to talk with your baby. A natural thing to talk about while you are changing is your kid’s body like arms, legs, tummy, toes, and also bottom and penis or vulva. Using the correct words for your Baby’s sexual parts makes sense, even though it is still many months until he starts talking.

Parents of older children often fret about how to talk about sensitive subjects, such as where babies come from and later about love and sex. It’s so much easier if relaxed conversation about the body is simply a natural part of what you do as a family, right from the beginning.

If you are about to become a parent, make sure you are aware that nappy change is one of the most crucial part of baby care. Try to accustom yourself with it right from the start and prepare your mind for it. Keeping a maid to do it would deprive you and baby the beautiful moments you spend with each other, particularly during the nappy change.



Healthdrip writes about health and medical news and articles.