5 year survival rate breast cancer

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According to a statistical study that was conducted by the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) and consulted by the National Cancer Institute, based on women who were diagnosed with breast cancer during the time period of three years starting from 1998 to 2001, the 5 year survival rate breast cancer was established.

The five year survival rate breast cancer study includes the percentage of women who have been afflicted with breast cancer and who survived for at least 5 years.

The relative 5 year survival rate breast cancer also takes into consideration that the women who have been afflicted with breast cancer could also die due to other reasons. This method is commonly used in order to ascertain the stage of breast cancer in women.

In numerical terms, when the relative 5 year rate survival rate breast cancer is hundred percent, then the cancer is in the initial stage and it is easy to treat the disease. If the relative 5 year survival rate breast cancer is 86 percent, the cancer is said to be in the second stage.

If the relative survival rate is 57% then cancer is in the third stage, but if the breast cancer is diagnosed in the final stages when the relative survival rate is only 20%, then it can be difficult to treat the disease.

At this stage, the cancerous tumors may have developed into a malignancy and they would have spread to other organs in the body.

At the time of diagnosis of cancer, the doctor will give you information on what the 5 year survival rate breast cancer means and how it can be applied to your case.

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