Aflatoxin peanuts

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According to research, it has been found that aflatoxin peanuts can cause liver inflammation.

Some of the chronic disorders that re associated with the ingestion of aflatoxin peanuts include immune deficiency and there is an increased susceptibility to infections.

In various cases, it has been found that aflatoxin peanuts may also lead to cirrhosis of the liver which if untreated may lead to liver cancer.

Thus, there is much concern about the aflatoxin peanuts that grow mainly on grains and legumes. In fact, peanuts have been found to be notorious for the presence of aflatoxin.

Various procedures have been established in order to measure the quantity of aflatoxin peanuts that are being used for human consumption.

However in case of peanuts that are used for animal consumption, there is no  requirement to measure the amount of aflatoxin in  peanuts.

Peanuts are also widely used in feeding birds where it is combined with corns, walnuts, pecans and sometimes milk is also used.

But in case of animals who are showing signs of preexisting liver disorder, it is advisable to limit peanuts in their regular diet.

Even natural or organic food substances may also be containing high level of the disease causing aflatoxin in peanuts.



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